Από τους σημαντικότερους Tai Chi Master του περασμένου αιώνα υπήρξε ο καθηγητής Cheng Man-Ch’ing (1900-1975).
Προερχόμενος από την Ταϊβάν δέχτηκε την πρόσκληση και δίδαξε στις Η.Π.Α.. Δημιούργησε την γνωστή Μικρή Φόρμα (37 Form), η οποία θεωρείται από τις πιο συχνά διδασκόμενες φόρμες στην Ταϊβάν, την νοτιοανατολική Ασία και την Δύση.
Ονομαζόταν αλλιώς και ο άνθρωπος με τις πέντε αρετές, καθώς υπήρξε ιατρός κινεζικής ιατρικής, ποιητής, ζωγράφος, καλλιγράφος και μεγάλος μάστερ του Tai Ch’i Ch’uan.
Ίδρυσε στην Νέα Υόρκη την Cheng’s Shr Jung School “Hall of Happiness”.
Μαθητές του υπήρξαν οι William Chen, T.T.Liang, Huang Shyeng Shen, Liu His-heng, Maggie Newman και πολλοί άλλοι.
"May the joy that is everlasting gather in this hall. Not the joy of a sumptuous feast, which slips away even as we leave the table; nor that which music brings—it is only of a limited duration. Beauty and a pretty face are like flowers; they bloom for a while, then die. Even our youth slips swiftly away and is gone.
No, enduring happiness is not in these, nor in the three joys of Jung Kung. We may as well forget them, for the joy I mean is worlds away from these.
It is the joy of continuous growth, of helping to develop in ourselves and others the talents and abilities with which we were born—the gifts of heaven to mortal men. It is to revive the exhausted and to rejuvenate that which is in decline, so that we are enabled to dispel sickness and suffering.
Let true affection and happy concourse abide in this hall. Let us here correct our past mistakes and lose preoccupation with self. With the constancy of the planets in their courses or of the dragon in his cloud wrapped path, let us enter the land of health and ever after walk within its bounds.
Let us fortify ourselves against weakness and learn to be self reliant, without ever a moment’s lapse. Then our resolution will become the very air we breathe, the world we live in; then we will be as happy as a fish in crystal waters. This is the joy which lasts, that we can carry with us to the end of our days. And tell me, if you can; what greater happiness can life bestow?"
Cheng Man-Ching
New York City, 1973
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